it is well

Good Afternoon CT Family,

It is my prayer that all is well with you and your families. Please if you have a need let us know. The church office remains open Monday – Friday.

Several weeks ago, upon finishing the book that I was reading, I asked the Lord what next? I began to sense in my spirit the Lord saying, “Return to some of the saints of the past who have so richly filled your spirit.”

I then decided to obtain more books by Dr. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Upon completing the first book I knew that I was where our Lord wanted me. I completed the second, and thought, Wow, how could I have missed this from Dr. Jones? I read a third and I believe that now our Lord would have me share insight gleaned with Calvary.

To that end, please meditate on the following passages, allow the Holy Spirit to unpack His divine truth to you and then answer the following questions for each passage:

Genesis 3:1-24:

1. What does it teach us about God?

2. What does it teach us about humanity?

3. What must I change?

4. With how many unbelievers will I share this?

Genesis 11:1-9:

1. What does it teach us about God?

2. What does it teach us about humanity?

3. What must I change?

4. With how many unbelievers will I share this?

Genesis 12:1-9:

1. What does it teach us about God?

2. What does it teach us about humanity?

3. What must I change?

4. With how many unbelievers will I share this?

We will then begin some interactive discussion on these passages and I will also be doing some teachings from these and other Bible passages. We will begin these sessions on Tuesday, April 21st at 7 PM. Please let others know about these sessions, and I will see all Tuesday evening on Zoom.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ray